One Summer in Vermilion. Vol. 1, Issue 10


I can’t believe that it is July already! We are in the best days of summer.

  • I was able to attend a planning meeting for All Washed Up on Wednesday. Everything's coming together in terms of event logistics. However, we do need volunteers. If you are available July 31 from 10 AM-3 PM, please consider volunteering. Go to our Facebook page or call (440) 963-0772 to learn more. If you can’t volunteer but are still in town, come check out the incredible driftwood artwork!

  • Our Market in the Park event has been a hit! We’ve had approximately 20 vendors participate, and many people have been in Victory Park to check it out! Thank you to everyone who has stopped by our table to buy flowers or expressed interest in All Washed Up! Don’t worry if you haven’t been able to make it so far. You have a lot of chances to come, since the Market will end on August 28.

  • The business shower for Mistakes on the Lake went really well! A lot of people stopped by and welcomed Jacqui Atkins to her new location. She has really cute apparel that is Ohio themed, with a special emphasis on Cleveland and Lake Erie. You can follow Mistakes on the Lake on social media; Jacqui’s marketing techniques have been very effective on that front!

  • The Robbie K. Jones concert was a huge success! I saw on Facebook that a lot of people showed up! I’m sure everyone had a great time as well. We also garnered $2500 in donations, so thank you for your generosity! MSV is nothing without the support of our volunteers and community!

  • I had the office to myself on Friday. A lot of foot traffic came through, and I talked to a few people on the phone. I’ve had someone visit the office to ask for a lighthouse passport stamp, and someone else called me asking about it. Remember that you can receive a lighthouse stamp at our office (685 Main Street in Vermilion). All you have to do is ask, and you shall receive! We also have a stamp available at our Shore Thing stand, which is a different design! Come check it out!

  • We also completed some much-needed shredding. I gathered everything into paper bags on Friday and delivered them Saturday. Thank you Fred Miggins for lending your truck and assisting me with this task! Much thanks especially to the Lorain County Commissioners for bringing the truck to Vermilion. Honestly, I was surprised at the line of people who showed up to take advantage of it. It feels so good to get rid of unneeded things!

The winds of change are visiting Main Street, and I can’t wait to see what happens next! Stay tuned for more of my adventures!

Hayley Carter, MSV Intern

Main Street Vermilion