Looking Back...Vermilion in Bloom

Dana Corogin, Tina Swinehart, and Diane Martin; members of the VIB Steering Committee getting ready for the 2021 planting season.

Dana Corogin, Tina Swinehart, and Diane Martin; members of the VIB Steering Committee getting ready for the 2021 planting season.

In 2003, the City of Vermilion participated in the National America in Bloom Program, an opportunity for businesses, residents and the city to work together to create a welcoming atmosphere throughout downtown with colorful plants, trees and landscaping. Long before the first flower was even planted, the community passed many tests to guarantee the success of the initiative including volunteer and donor support, design principles and more. These are the roots of Vermilion in Bloom (VIB).   

Within 3 years, Vermilion in Bloom had added The Gardeners Fair and were already hanging and watering daily 120 flower baskets, planting window boxes, flower beds, bridge boxes, and large sidewalk containers throughout historic downtown. They launched an educational gardeners series hosted at the Ritter Public Library and Lorain County Metroparks facilities; applied for ODOT grant money to continue improvements and beautifiction features at the city’s gateways; and assisted with the treescape design for a developing downtown revitalization plan. “The resurgence of pride in the entire community was unbelievable,” said Eileen Bulan, then Mayor of the City of Vermilion.  

VIB is well known for their long running “Ladies Nights,” lively evenings out in the winter months to raise funds, recruit volunteers and foster friendship. This is where the real work of VIB happens! 

By 2007, VIB made the decision to join Main Street Vermilion as a program and partner. It was a natural fit as their missions complimented and focused on creating a beautiful downtown with a welcoming atmosphere and creating pride of place for all who live and work here. Main Street (then Historic Vermilion, Inc) funded historic light poles seen throughout downtown each hold a duo of VIB flower baskets. VIB and MSV continue to rely on one another for administrative, promotional and project support. 

If you would like to be a part of Vermilion in Bloom, they will be planting on May 12th at Exchange Park at 10AM and May 13th at McGarvey’s Landing at 1PM...however watering teams are needed throughout the summer, a great morning activity with friends and a cup of coffee aboard the watering truck. For more information, contact Tina Swinehart at tswine@yahoo.com.

Amy Hoffman, Special Projects Coordinator

Main Street Vermilion