Vermilion Arts Guild's Chris Standring: “Art is a Part of Me.”


Bright, enthusiastic and diverse in her creativity, Chris Standring is the current president of the Vermilion Arts Guild. Her jewelry, paintings and more can be found throughout the gallery and if you’re lucky, you’ll meet her as she volunteers in the space during shows and exhibits

Did you choose your medium or did it choose you? “I chose it. I love to paint, especially with acrylics, which can work like oils, but I like them because they dry so much faster. With jewelry, which I love so much, I was always changing designs on jewelry that I bought, so I decided to start making my own.”

Who or what inspired you create art?  “My grandfather who was a professional artist and master engraver.”

At what age did you start creating art? “As soon as my family put crayons in my hands and it’s never stopped.”

Is this a hobby, a passion or a pursuit? “I think art is a part of you, so I guess a little of both.”

What is your favorite part of creating your art? “The actual process is what I like best—putting together what is in your mind for a necklace, the actual brush on the canvas, watching the colors coming together, just right.”

Is there any frustration in your art form? Where do you look for answers?  “Painting people is always a challenge. I read a lot of art magazines and today you can go to YouTube and watch other artists. There are some very good demonstrations on how to paint just about anything.”

What do you do to prepare yourself for creating art? “A lot of pictures or jewelry ideas go through my head, then I need quiet alone time to do the work.”

What brings you to the Vermilion Arts Guild?  “I was new to town and knew from previous experience this was a good way to meet people that share common interests. I enjoy being part of the community and this is a way I'm comfortable and a good fit.”

Can you identify the biggest benefit of being a member of the Arts Guild?  “Sharing ideas, seeing others work and learning how they do it.”

Out of everything you've ever created, do you have a favorite?  “Yes, and I'll never sell it.”

Finally, share the best moment ever as it relates to your art. “I think just seeing people enjoying your work. When someone loves the piece they have seen or bought from you and it makes them happy, I have succeeded.”

Main Street Vermilion