Countdown to All Washed Up: Vermilion's First Driftwood Art Contest, August 10th
Countdowns are fun! The anticipation of getting to the end is exciting. That’s how we feel about
All Washed Up, Vermilion’s first Driftwood Art Contest, which is just a month away. Before we know it Friendship Park in Downtown Vermilion (on the northwest corner of Liberty Avenue and Grand Street, and next to Ritter Public Library) will become a pop-up gallery for a variety of artwork made from one of most abundant natural resources: driftwood. Lake Erie has given up more than its fair share this year and it’s just waiting for your inspiration.
So get into gear, be a part of the fun and enjoy this countdown with us and you'll find yourself ready for All Washed Up!
10. COLLECT SOME DRIFTWOOD. Yes, there’s still time. Whenever there’s wind or weather, our dear Lake Erie delivers driftwood to our beaches. When collecting driftwood, remember to bring a sturdy tote, wear work gloves and good food gear, and never bring fresh driftwood inside.
9. CLEAN, DISINFECT, AND DRY YOUR DRIFTWOOD. So important! To be part of All Washed Up your driftwood piece must be clean, dry, and free of all life forms. Click on this link for helpful info.
8. GET INSPIRED. The shapes and colors of your driftwood pieces can spark your creativity, so let your imagination run wild. You can also search online for images of driftwood art projects. Several shops in downtown Vermilion carry interesting pieces made from driftwood. Inspiration is everywhere!
7. IF AT FIRST YOU DON’T SUCCEED, THAT’S OKAY. Maybe you’re a driftwood newbie so don’t be discouraged. It’s just driftwood! It’s free and there’s plenty more if you need it. Just keep trying until you have a project that makes you happy.
6. ATTEND A DRIFTWOOD 101 WORKSHOP. To learn the basics of working with driftwood, plan to attend one of these six free workshops. No registration necessary:
Saturday, July 13, 11AM and 12:30 PM, at the Farmers’ Market in Victory Park
Thursday, July 18, 7PM and 8PM, at Main Street Vermilion during 3rd Thursday
Saturday, July 20, 11AM and 12:30 PM, at the Farmers’ Market in Victory Park
5. TRY TEAMWORK. It’s fun and easy to enter All Washed Up as part of a group. Gather family members, neighbors, and friends from school, camp, church, office, wherever. Many hands and minds can work together to make something cool and unique.
4. REGISTER! Visit the All Washed Up page on the Main Street Vermilion website for event details and to register online. It’s super quick and easy. Click here to get to get there!
3. SPREAD THE WORD! All Washed Up is for everyone, anyone, all ages, and all levels of experience. It’s all about fun and creativity so please encourage everyone to join in.
2. SHOW UP! Saturday, August 10th between 8:30-9:30AM with your driftwood entry to Friendship Park. Check in at the table and you’re in! All Washed Up kicks off at 10AM with all items on display until prizes are awarded just before 4PM
1. PICK UP YOUR ENTRY. At 4PM, pick up your driftwood entry. If you have time to help with clean-up, that would be extra nice...and thank you in advance for joining in. We hope you had fun!
See you August 10th for All Washed Up.